Conference Call, encrypted option – computer to computer.

Call Instructions:

STEPS:  If payment for counsel time has been paid (PayPal) you are then eligible for counsel time.

By clicking on the above (Paypal) link you will be taken to the service/products page. There you click on the first [Donate] button and pay for counsel time. (Any counsel time payments balances can be applied to any products, at any time, by emailing us.)
  1. Set the desired call day, and time, as Central Standard Time, by email with Hansen >

1a. Simply text Hansen and state your name, and email address, and ask for a counsel time that suits your time frame, and Hansen will text you back a reply as soon as he sees the text.

2. Text Hansen (251.362.8231 cell) five minutes before you wish to get on the conference call just to remind all of the pending calls. Hansen will text you back if he sees your initial text.  Call if he does not text you back within five minutes. This call is necessary because Hansen may not hear or see the text notice, do not leave voice messages unless it is an emergency, make sure you say your name, and email, when you are calling in a voice message.

(The above text instructions are imperative to follow. We are getting inundated with computer-generated solicitation calls, we simply had to resort to seldom answering the phone unless we know who is calling.)

— Conferencing —        To meet Hansen in ‘conference-call’ do the following:
Join the call:
Dial in number: 442.177.7629       ((only when instructed > 720-835-5190))
PIN: 24128

Or the best one > FCConference Dial in Number: ((Only when instructed > (712) 451-0950))

PIN: 394266

Note – the conference call recording is available to you by your Dropbox RO Folder. The conference recording may only last 60 days, so it is advised that you back-up the mp3 as you may need them. 

The above conversations, when any cell phone is used, are automatically recorded by order of the United States. Since the Patriot Acts of 2001, all cell phone communications and all internet communications are recorded by the US government and can easily be used in court against you in civil and criminal cases. For a secure ‘client to 6th Amendment counsel’ conferencing see below. I highly recommend encrypted communication in all IRS case.


Encrypted communication is available upon request in, see below.

Computer to computer can be encrypted, (Uber is a German-based service) if any cell phone is used it is recorded by order of the United States, and is digitally stored perpetually, and is evidence for any US court prosecution. (All cell phone calls are archived by congressional order.)

To conference by ‘Encrypted Uber to Uber’ place this > , in the address bar and hit enter and it will connect us securely. We can text and send documents in the same conference also, as we talk. We have an option to record the conversation for your review after we are completed (it is available for 90 days if you wish you can save it to your own hard-drive for perpetual access, or ask Hansen to do it for you for $2.50.

If you wish to conference Uber to Uber, for encryption purposes, Possibly you may need to open your own Uber account. (this is the site that you then place our 52565698 # in the URL). Both parties must be connected to the internet directly by line or wi-fi, no cell phone tethering/hotspot is secure.


PayPal: You can pay quickly by debit/credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.


(x1.) For additional counsel payment arrangements, and tools, and more advanced instructions for attempts to arrange meetings:

>>  NOTE: If you have an interest in joining an American Common Law Court proceeding as an observer, juror, or litigant, send a request, by email to –,  and notice the clerk you wish to be added to the Common Law Court ‘FREEDOM LIST’. The court clerk will then send you an ‘INVITE FORM‘, when you are needed in a proceeding, an information package by email will be provided. Remember freedom takes a lot of work, and many hands make even the biggest jobs easy.