Amazon Prime, Community Pool Prime Pool:

  1. Free shipping on most orders.
  2. Occasional additional discounts.
  3. Delivered to the address of your choosing, or to the Amazon Pool Processor (APP) near you, and they can receive, and hold the package for you.
  4. One account that everyone uses for only a 1$ fee for each order going to the APP of the order. The fee is only 1$ generally unless large amount of orders are involved and it take the APP longer than five minutes to process.
  5. Orders generally get free shipping, unless restricted by Amazon.  Products eligible for Amazon Prime will be designated on the product page and at checkout. If only some items in your purchase are eligible for Amazon Prime, you’ll be charged applicable shipping fees for the ineligible items.
  6. Email the AP your order with your PMT (Zelle①) details, or pay cash, before ordering.
  7. Once enrolled all one need do is send the order link provided by Amazon to the APP, then Zelle① the funds to the APP account, and the order will be made soon after.
  8. If you are interested, email us at for the membership package.
  9. Have most everything you can imagine delivered to your door step without monthly Amazon fees.
  10. You will be given a link to track all your orders, and deliveries.
  11. This page link is >

P.S. – I use APP because I was paying Amazon 15$ a month for just one order a month on the average, obviously it was not economical. I found myself ordering things I did not need just because I was getting charged 15$ monthly regardless. Now I only order things I need, and only pay $1.00 per order, and so far I have far less that 15 orders per month. So I’m saving money every month, and still getting great products at great prices.

Zelle① – A free service that most American banks have that allow you to send money to the APP for free with any computer, or smart phone in seconds.

Members will have access to step by step YouTubes to show you how to place orders with your APP, how to make various pay, and how to track all your orders.